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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Internet Marketing: Its All About Passion

Vince Lombardi once said: If you are not fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm? To live life without passion is living the life of a zombie ?forever wandering without purpose or zeal.

Passion is the fuel that fires up the engine of personal development and growth. If this vital ingredient is lacking in your life, then its just a matter of time before you become past tense ?literally!

Internet marketing, and any other marketing for that matter, is all about being passionate about the products and services you are pushing. The cut-throat competition on the internet will annihilate you within seconds if you are not passionate about the internet business. The blatant in-your-face marketing techniques being used by internet marketers are bound to leave you stuck-in-the-mud, unable to decide whether to go home or hit the home run!

The famous artist, Michelangelo, when confronted with a piece of marble, saw an angel trapped therein. When everyone else saw an ugly piece of marble, Michelangelo saw a masterpiece of one of his best works of art. And so, slowly by slowly, he started chipping away at the rough edges of the rock to reveal the beautiful angel within.

The Internet is like that piece of marble. You are the Michelangelo of the internet. Whereas everyone else says its impossible to make money on the internet, your passion tells you that beneath the dime-a-dozen get-rich-quick scams on the Internet today, there is a real opportunity to make enough money to make you financially FREE! You may not have as yet figured out exactly how to do this, but there is this inner voice telling you there is a gold mine on the internet ?all you need is to find it!

When I started dabbling in internet marketing, I knew almost nothing about how to do business on the internet. However, something kept telling me that there is a real opportunity to do business and make money on the internet. Being from a third world country, the possibility of doing business and marketing to anyone in the world made the internet look very attractive indeed. I had found my gold mine ?all I needed was to look for the gold!

Before you engage in any venture, first and foremost establish whether you have the passion for it. You may not have all the facts or all the resources required, but being passionate about it ensures that you hit the ground running. If you dont have the passion for it, dont even start ?even if you have all the resources!

According to Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary? passion is an enthusiastic interest or direction of the mind? Passion therefore has more to do with ones state of mind towards something. If you are enthused enough to undertake a certain project, then it means that you have the passion to accomplish that project. Do you see now why I say that passion is not about resources or technical ability?

If you believe you can, you can!

There is no greater power in this world than the power of believing! The journey to success is first of all won in the mind ?the rest is just technical! Walt Disney may not have lived to see the success of his Disney land empire, but, as his wife testified during the opening ceremony, he actually saw it! How? The whole Disney land idea was birthed and constructed in his mind. The rest was implementation.

Attaining success on the internet is not different. You must first of all see yourself as successful before you can become successful. Most people fail because they start off fearing they will fail. So, before you even start an internet venture, honestly establish the mental roadblocks which could be detrimental to your success. Once you establish these roadblocks, start removing them one by one and replace them with positive believe systems.

A paradigm shift: Changing your belief systems

Belief systems are those things that have for years been drummed into your mind ?consciously or unconsciously ?such that you now automatically accept them as absolute truths. Any other system of belief that flies contrary to your system of belief is automatically ejected (consciously or unconsciously) by your mind.

Before Christopher Columbus discovered that the earth was round, everyone else hitherto took it for granted that the earth was flat. With his momentous discovery, Columbus was able to effectively shift the people from their earlier system of belief (that the earth was flat), to the new-found belief system. Im sure it was not easy to convince everyone that the earth was round! However, because he was passionate about his discovery, it was not difficult to demonstrate to all and sundry ?the naysayer included ?that the earth was indeed round!

If you are already fired up with passion, then you have already made the crucial paradigm shift. Now lay out a plan and get your tools out; and start toiling! Someone said it will work if you work it? Work it! However, if your mind is still etched in the realm of impossibilities and Im-not-sure-I-can-make-it?syndrome, then its time to reevaluate your long-held values and start replacing them with the infinite possibilities of success. As you practice this everyday, you will soon realize that what you thought as unattainable is well within your reach.

Innocent Mwangi Gathungu is a motivational and inspirational writer and speaker. For more information and other articles like this one, visit his websites at http://www.ssmk.net and at http://www.realopportunity.org.make money online

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